Displaying 31 - 35 of 35
Approval Year | Grant Name | Main P-Code | Main Product Line | Country | Grant Status | Amount Approved by Donor |
2015 | Support the Development of a National Industrial Energy Management Program in Uzbekistan | P156670 | ASA | Uzbekistan | Closed | $400000 |
2015 | Transforming Cities through Public Space | P156477, P158509 | Lending | Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India | Closed | $600000 |
2015 | Scaling-Up Rooftop Solar in Vietnam II | P162510 | ASA | Vietnam | Closed | $91379 |
2015 | An efficient, resilient, and green grid for the Bangladesh power system | P150086 | ASA | Bangladesh | Closed | $350000 |
2014 | Towards Green Growth in DVC through use of ICT and Investment in Clean Energy Generation | P154283 | Lending | India | Closed | $600000 |