Displaying 16 - 30 of 37
Approval Year | Grant Name | Main P-Code | Main Product Line | Country | Grant Status | Amount Approved by Donor |
2017 | Ethiopia Green Industrialization Support program | IFC-00602203 | IFC - Advisory | Ethiopia | Closed | $550000 |
2017 | Renewable Energy Scale-Up to Support Green Growth in Pakistan | P169313 | ASA | Pakistan | Closed | $390578 |
2017 | Renewable Energy Scale-Up to Support Green Growth in Pakistan | P159712 | Lending | Pakistan | Closed | $356443 |
2017 | Greener Manufacturing in Turkey | IFC-00600641 | IFC - Advisory | Turkey | Closed | $450000 |
2017 | Strengthening Utility Capabilities by Capacity Building and South-South KE (SUCCESS-KE) | P161015 | Lending | Benin, Burkina Faso | Closed | $600000 |
2017 | KGGTF Sri Lanka Energy | P163864 | Lending | Sri Lanka | Closed | $168077 |
2017 | KGGTF Sri Lanka Energy | P165133 | ASA | Sri Lanka | Closed | $231923 |
2016 | Energy Storage Application Studies and Knowledge Exchange Framework for Sustainable Green Growth in WAPP | P113266 | Lending | Benin, Cote d’Ivoire | Closed | $765000 |
2016 | Scaling-Up Rooftop Solar in Vietnam | P162510, P103238 | ASA | Vietnam | Closed | $350000 |
2016 | Sri Lanka Renewable Energy Integration | P159789 , P157023 | ASA | Sri Lanka | Closed | $300000 |
2016 | Greening Peru’s Energy System: Promoting Clean Energy for a Resilient Power System | P161420 | ASA | Peru | Closed | $600000 |
2016 | Sustainable Green Growth in Central America | P155068 | ASA | Guatemala, Honduras | Closed | $700000 |
2015 | Energy Efficiency Transformation in DH | P157735 | ASA | Moldova | Closed | $530000 |
2015 | Smart Technology and Energy Efficient Production (STEP Phases 1 & 2) | IFC-00600329 | IFC - Advisory | Egypt | Closed | $700000 |
2015 | An efficient, resilient, and green grid for the Bangladesh power system | P164015 | ASA | Bangladesh | Closed | $150000 |