Displaying 31 - 45 of 59
Approval Year | Grant Name | Main P-Code | Main Product Line | Country | Grant Status | Amount Approved by Donor |
2015 | Vanuatu Affordable and Resilient Housing | P157414 | ASA | Vanuatu | Closed | $675000 |
2015 | Strengthening Urban Management in Mexican Cities | P157932 | Lending | Mexico | Closed | $400000 |
2015 | Cairo Smart Service Delivery Project | P160227 | ASA | Egypt | Closed | $575000 |
2014 | Regional Economic and Infrastructure Investment Strategy | P154293 | ASA | India | Closed | $400000 |
2014 | Sri Lanka Strategic Cities | P130548 | Lending | Sri Lanka | Closed | $500000 |
2014 | Design and Preparation of Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development | P150395 | Lending | India | Closed | $600000 |
2014 | E-Waste Advisory Project KGGTF Funds | IFC-00582307 | IFC - Advisory | India | Closed | $840000 |
2014 | Implementing Green Solution for Waste Management | P151981 | ASA | Argentina | Closed | $400000 |
2014 | Leveraging Korea’s Experience in the Solid Waste | P156403 | Lending | Benin | Closed | $225000 |
2014 | Green Smart City Development with Citizen Participation | P146716 | ASA | Global | Closed | $800000 |
2014 | Low Carbon City Development | P146713 | ASA | Global | Closed | $1370000 |
2014 | Developing Green Growth Strategies for Metropolitan Municipalities | P128605 | Lending | Turkey | Closed | $500000 |
2014 | Metro Manila Citywide Slum Upgrading Project | P151920 | ASA | Philippines | Closed | $350000 |
2014 | Promoting Green Growth in Industrial Zones | IFC-00599615 | IFC - Advisory | Vietnam | Closed | $750000 |
2014 | Secondary Cities Program | P151955 | ASA | Rwanda | Closed | $650000 |