Displaying 31 - 36 of 36
Approval Year | Grant Name | Main P-Code | Main Product Line | Country | Grant Status | Amount Approved by Donor |
2015 | Air and Water Pollution Management Program | P157564 | ASA | Egypt | Closed | $450000 |
2015 | Investments in Environmental Management and Green Growth | P147342 | Lending | Peru | Closed | $430000 |
2015 | MENA Cleaner Production for Companies | IFC-00569968 | IFC - Advisory | Egypt | Closed | $304000 |
2015 | West Africa Fishery Partnership for Competitiveness and Sustainability | P126773 | Lending | Closed | $670000 | |
2015 | Greener Cement Industries in Africa | IFC-0600836 | IFC - Advisory | Sub-Saharan Africa | Closed | $700000 |
2013 | Decision Making Under Uncertainty | P146704 | ASA | Global | Closed | $1150000 |