Displaying 16 - 20 of 20
Approval Year | Grant Name | Main P-Code | Main Product Line | Country | Grant Status | Amount Approved by Donor |
2017 | Turning Kenya's Water Utilities Green | P156634 | Lending | Kenya | Closed | $400000 |
2016 | Water Initiatives to Support Green Growth and Sustainable Cities in Colombia | P156239 | Lending | Colombia | Closed | $300000 |
2015 | Central Asia Water Resources Management (CA-WARM) Phase-I Project | P152346 | Dropped Lending | Closed | $370000 | |
2015 | Greening Cities through a Water-Centric Urban Planning Approach | P156239 | Lending | Colombia | Closed | $200000 |
2013 | Quantifying Tradeoffs of the Water-Energy Nexus | P144930 | ASA | Morocco | Closed | $300000 |