Restoration and Development Program for Jordan's Zarqa River Basin

Basic Information

Grant ID: K-209

Region: Middle East & North Africa

Country: Jordan

Approval Year: 2023

Grant Year: Year 11

Amount Approved by Donor: $600000.00

Sector: Environment

Grant Status: Active

TTLs: Frank Van Woerden (Lead Environmental Engineer)

Grant Activities

Project Summary:

The grant aims to support Jordan with the development of a national restoration and development program for the Zarqa River basin. This basin houses main parts of Jordan’s population (52%) and economic sectors which have severely strained the river’s water quality and resources in one of the most water-scarce countries in the world. Environmental restoration must be an integrated part of further development of this region, key to greening growth in Jordan and high on the government’s agenda.

List of Activities:

  • Activity #1 - Depollution, Circular Economy and Industrial Cleaner Production Investment Scoping and Prioritization
  • Activity #2 - High priority water resource management and greening investments scoping
  • Activity #3 - Planning for Zarqa River Basin Environmental Restoration and Development (ZRBRD) Roadmap


Output 1.1: Under Activity 1 will be a report detailing the scoping and prioritization of wastewater management and industrial cleaner production investment projects throughout the Zarqa River basin for the government, for PPP, and for private investors, as well as engagements with industrial sector parties through workshops and the study visit for implementation of environmental performance improvements.

  • (1) scoping and prioritization report disseminated to 4 government ministries, (2) targeted engagement and knowledge exchange with 30 industries, potential investors, and partners; (3) events held with government officials and industries on results. This outcome is expected to directly inform the envisaged Government's Zarqa River Basin Rehabilitation and Development (ZRBRD) program, and current and upcoming Bank operations.

Output 2.1: Report on scoping of Zarqa restoration investments and high priority pilot projects; (2) investments and pilot projects report disseminated to stakeholders; (3) events held with 20 government officials and stakeholders on opportunities and implementation. As an outcome, also this activity is expected to directly inform the Government's ZRBRD program and new Bank operations.

Output 3.1: A report supporting the development of ZRBRD Roadmap by MoE and its dissemination to government entities and other stakeholders through workshops and publications, with identified investments for implementation. 

Contributions to a Roadmap for the development and initiation of the comprehensive multi-sector and multi-institutional program for Zarqa River Basin Environmental Restoration and Development. The Roadmap will present strategic alignment of priorities, including policies and plans to mobilize investments in clean production and industrial efficiency; wastewater treatment and waste management; water resource management across multiple economic sectors; and green urban development, through diverse financing mechanisms such as credit lines and refinancing schemes in industries, SMEs, and for public utilities.

Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:

Knowledge exchange with Korean industries and investors on circular economy solutions will be critical to the outcomes of this activity and the formation of partnerships.

Cooperation has been sought with K-eco, K-water and Korea Industrial Complex Corporation (KICOX). Korean experiences and support in design of investments and pilots is planned to be brought in by K-eco.