Enhancing Pollution Management in Bangladesh through Green Growth Policies
Basic Information
Grant ID: K-190
Region: South Asia
Country: Bangladesh
Approval Year: 2022
Grant Year: Year 10
Amount Approved by Donor: $600000.00
Main Product Line: Lending
Sector: Environment
Grant start/completion: February 15, 2022 - June 30, 2024
Grant Status: Active
TTLs: Ana Luisa Gomes LimaTaisei MatsukiEun Joo Allison Yi
Grant Activities
Project Summary: Over 163,000 people died prematurely in Bangladesh (over 19% of all deaths) in 2019 from ambient and household air pollution (PM2.5). Air pollution caused an estimated 2.5-2.8 billion days lived with illness in 2019. As a result, the annual cost of air pollution in Bangladesh was equivalent to 8.3 percent of Bangladesh GDP (2019). Through the GCRD Credit, the World Bank will support the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) to set the legal and institutional foundations for air quality management (AQM) in the country. In DPC1, the GoB has approved the Air Pollution Control Rules, which set forth national air quality standards based on WHO Guidelines, emissions limits in key sectors, mandates and coordination mechanisms among relevant sectors, specific instruments for air quality management at national and air shed levels, data dissemination to foster citizen-driven accountability, among other provisions. It escalates air quality discussions to a high-level council – the National Committee for Air Pollution Control – to facilitate dialogue and actions across relevant sectors (such as environment, energy, transport, and agriculture).
List of Activities: Overall, this project will support the Government of Bangladesh to transition to green and climate-resilient development by: - enhancing public planning, financing, and delivery of green and climate-resilient interventions - promoting key sector reforms for greener and more efficient production and services - financing analytical work, stakeholder consultations, and knowledge exchange activities for the GoB in support for Policy Track #6, which aims to improve quality management across economic sectors, also contributing to reduce GHG emissions
Outcomes: The KGGTF grant will support the GoB to design the triggers of DPC2 and DPC3. In particular, the grant will finance the analytical work, stakeholder consultations and knowledge activities for GoB staff to design the following policies: (i) National Air Quality Plan and associated Program, with cost-effective interventions and targets in multiple sectors, such as brick production, energy, and transport, to address both household and outdoor air pollution. This program will build on previous analytics on the major sources of air pollution in Bangladesh, as well as cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis conducted by the Bank. (ii) Guidelines (mandatory) with standards, methodologies, and procedures for declaring and further managing degraded air sheds; disclosing information on highly air-polluting industries and activities; and formulating air pollution prevention plans; (iii) Integration of air quality monitoring in the upcoming Monitoring, Verification and Reporting (MRV) framework for GHG emissions. The MRV framework will allow for reporting of emissions or emissions savings from activities – for both GHG and air pollutants –, underpinning the integrity of a carbon market-based system, and providing accurate data for reporting on Bangladesh’s NDC. Outcomes: This will establish the legal and institutional arrangements necessary to participate in the mechanisms under Article 6 of the Paris Climate Change Agreement and to promote market-based policies to address air pollution.