Circular Economy for Waste Management in Province of Buenos Aires
Basic Information
Grant ID: K-189
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Country: Argentina
Approval Year: 2022
Grant Year: Year 10
Amount Approved by Donor: $600000.00
Main Product Line: Lending
Sector: Environment
Grant start/completion: October 20, 2022 - December 31, 2024
Grant Status: Active
TTLs: Jiang Ru
Grant Activities
Project Summary:
The overall development objective of the proposed APL program supports the Government's Integrated Basin Clean up while simultaneously improving sanitary conditions along the banks of La Plata River and providing a long-term and cost-effective solution for the safe disposal of wastewater from the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area. The project provides a total of over $1.2 billion to finance the government's efforts to clean up the most polluted river in the country and develops an improved sanitation system for domestic wastewater management and an industrial wastewater treatment facility. This is to support the basin agency ACUMAR and the city and province of Buenos Aires to better manage other environmental issues of the basin, including sustainable land use and environmental planning.
The grant aims to finance the government's effort to clean up the most polluted river in the country, the Matanza Riachuelo river. Along with the development of an improved sanitation system for domestic wastewater management and an industrial wastewater treatment facility, the grant will support the basin agency ACUMAR and the city and province of Buenos Aires manage environmental issues while working to identify appropriate sustainable land use and environmental planning solutions.
List of Activities:
- Baseline assessments
- Development of GIIRSU Strategy and Investment Plan
- Capacity Building and Knowledge Management
Output 1:
- Waste management baseline assessment report
- Key waste value chains assessment report
Output 2:
- Three stakeholder consultations events
- An investment plan for a PBA GIIRSU facility
Output 3:
- Three technical training events on GIIRSU
- Two study visits to Korea on GIIRSU and CE development
- Two dissemination events of study reports within the country
The findings of this grant will help advise the design of waste management and circular economy-related investments in the MRB and in the province of Buenos Aires. In addition, such findings will support the PBA to plan its future waste management and circular economy investments within and beyond the Matanza 2.0 operation.
Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:
- Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute (KEITI)
- Seoul Institute