Novel Protein: Insect Farming for Food and Feed for a Circular Green Growth Economy (IF4FF)
Basic Information
Grant ID: K-148
Region: Africa
Country: Kenya
Approval Year: 2020
Grant Year: Year 8
Amount Approved by Donor: $800000.00
Main Product Line: ASA
Sector: Agriculture
Grant start/completion: 3/8/2021 ~ 6/20/2023
Grant Status: Active
TTLs: Dorte Verner (Lead Agriculture Economist)
Grant Activities
Project Summary:
The project aims to create knowledge of insect farming for food and feed for increased food security in Sub-Saharan Africa. The task will pilot insect farming to generate new development knowledge on novel insect-based-protein through resilience building; climate-smart insect-protein production, processing, and commercialization. This will increase access to high-quality nutrition for people and animals, while creating resilient-green jobs and livelihood, growing African economies sustainably through a green-circular economy methodology. Building on the Korean experience, a global leader on insect farming, and ongoing support to Africa through bilateral and multilateral ODA, this project will pilot disruptive and green-agriculture-production technologies to produce nutritious food rapidly; mainstream Korean experiences and inclusive-green-growth knowledge contribute to increased protein intake.
List of Activities:
- Developing trainings regarding Insect Farming for Food and Feed (IF4FF)
- Implementation of insect farming structures and organization of farmer groups
- Insect production and processing
- Documentation and dissemination
Output 1
- Participation of development partners
- Production of 3 training manual and guidelines for training of beneficiaries three training manuals with and guidelines
Output 2
- Investment framework incorporating GG principles
- 3 action plans for pilot created
- Create 3 pilot programs
- 3 identification of entry points for future pilot investment programs
Output 3
- Reduced organic waste and GHG emission by 30% per year
- Investment framework incorporating GG principles
- Private sector participation
- 150 jobs and livelihoods supported
Output 4
- 3 knowledge products produced(Report/book, overview, movie)
- 8 dissemination events
- 5 participating institutions in each event
- 3 Korean counterparts involved
- 15 dissemination of findings (blogs, movie, interviews,presentations, etc.)
The project will contribute to improving food-and-nutrition security in Sub Saharan Africa. By introducing, and scaling up novel-insect-based food, a greener and environmentally sustainable food production will be introduced to improve the nutrition quality and human development. Further to increasing increase knowledge of resilience-building insect production and novel-protein-food processing by applying new-disruptive technologies that are easy to implement in low-capacity settings, such as digital-insect farming; generate new knowledge of novel-rapid-scale-up-food production to improve food security, jobs, livelihood, and entrepreneurship. The task team will enhance collaboration between the World Bank and Korean institutions such as Korean Rural Development Agency (RDA) and private companies such as CIEF and Entomo. The project will also focus on the development of vulnerable populations (women and youth).
Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:
- Korean Rural Development Agency (RDA) to rapidly increase food-and-nutrition security; increase knowledge of how to rapidly produce food with GCE methodology; provide solutions to address food insecurity crisis;
- Korean Program of International Agriculture (KOPIA) to provide trainings for vulnerable population such as women and youth.
- Korea University and North Jeolla University to assist in developing questionnaires for surveys, and contribute to knowledge gathering.
- Korean Insect Farming Companies such as Entomo for knowledge sharing on processing and sustainable supply chains. The team also plans to cooperate with GGGI on waste collection technologies.