From Recovery to Sustainable Growth: Building Resilient Cities through Enhanced Urban Housing and Spatial Planning Strategies
Basic Information
Grant ID: K-217
Region: Middle East & North Africa
Country: Yemen
Approval Year: 2023
Grant Year: Year 11
Amount Approved by Donor: $500000.00
Sector: Urban
Grant Status: Active
TTLs: Hogeun Park (Urban Specialist)Federica Ranghieri (Program Leader)Felipe Flores (Disaster Risk Management Specialist)
Grant Activities
Project Summary:
To restore access to critical urban services and strengthen resilience to shocks in selected cities within the Republic of Yemen.
The housing and spatial planning strategies have a primary objective of fostering resilience to shocks and ensuring the sustainability of urban service delivery. Considering the escalating intensity and frequency of climatic disasters in Yemen, it becomes crucial to approach the rehabilitation and expansion of the service network through a spatial lens. Through grant activities, Yemeni cities will prepare for climate resilient investments, as well as increase their capacity and knowledge to prepare and adopt new technologies for future development.
List of Activities:
- Activity 1): Housing value chain analysis and sector strategy
- Activity 2) A roadmap for spatial planning strategy
- Output 1.1: A report on housing value chain analysis and sector strategy
- Output 1.2: A study tour examining the Korean approach to i) housing recovery and ii) spatial planning
- Output 1.3: Knowledge exchange workshop with GoY and external partners
- Outcome 1.1: A number of sub-projects designs under the parent and future project reflecting housing assessment
- Outcome 1.2: Strengthened capacity of government officials to undertake housing sector strategy and spatial planning (assessed through the number of participants in study tours and satisfaction surveys post-tour)
- Outcome 1.3: Strengthened technical underpinning for housing recovery and spatial planning (measured by the number of participants in knowledge exchange workshops)
- Output 2.1: A roadmap for spatial planning strategy.
- Output 2.2: Develop communication materials (e.g. blog, infographics)
- Output 2.3: Internal knowledge exchange workshop
- Outcome 2.1: New Bank investment (i.e., a number of sub-projects) reflecting spatial planning guidance
- Outcome 2.2: Strengthened multi-sector collaboration
Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:
The task team will conduct an assessment of national disaster risk management and early warning system. The analytical findings and recommendation will be applied to output 2.1.
For FY 25, a new grant re coastal resilience planning will complement output 2.1 for climate resiliency. As a knowledge event, The BBL: Korean experiences in spatial data management with KICT is being proposed to internal audiences of the Bank staff in order to inform them about recent developments in spatial database management in Korea and to showcase data collection and sharing protocols. This could be considered a leapfrogging strategy for digital innovation in developing countries, helping them prepare for future green growth and development