Smart Travel Demand Management Policies for Developing Green and Sustainable Transportation: Deep Dive in LAC cities
Basic Information
Grant ID: K-210
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Country: Argentina
Approval Year: 2023
Grant Year: Year 11
Amount Approved by Donor: $550000.00
Sector: Transport
Grant Status: Active
TTLs: Linda Ellin Maria Ivarsson Molina (Transport Specialist)Liljana Sekerinska (Senior Transport Specialist)Leonardo Canon (Senior Transport Specialist)Ana Waksberg (Senior Transport Economist) Felipe Targa (Senior Transport Specialist)Aiga Stokenberga (Senior Transport Economist)
Grant Activities
Project Summary:
The objective of the grant is to support the creation of travel demand management (TDM) strategies to support WB client countries to implement policies that promote resilient, greener, intelligent, and sustainable urban mobility in LAC cities. The activity will be centered around developing intelligent city-wide TDM guidelines and policies that maximize the use of available infrastructure and promote a shift toward sustainable transport systems. The TF will deliver the following activities: (i) Innovative Travel Demand Management Policies International Best Practice, Benchmarking and Concept Design: Deep dive in Seoul TDM policies, (ii) Parking Management Strategies for Lima and Asuncion, (ii) alternate funding mechanisms for public transport in Bogota, and Sao Paulo, (iii) strengthening transport data management by metropolitan agencies, (iv) scaling up impact and assembling a regional TDM platform: collaboration and knowledge sharing with LMICs cities and (v) Carry out results sharing workshops with other LAC cities transport sector decision-makers.
List of Activities:
- Activity #1: Innovative Travel Demand Management Policies International Best Practice, Benchmarking and Concept Design
- Activity #2: Parking Management Plan, Policy, and Strategies for Lima and Asuncion
- Activity #3: Alternate funding mechanisms for public transport in Bogota and Sao Paulo (Free Public Transport)
- Activity #4: Strengthening transport data management by metropolitan transport agencies (pilot Buenos Aires)
- Activity #5: Scaling up impact and assembling a regional TDM platform: collaboration and knowledge sharing with LMICs cities
- Activity #6: workshops with other LAC cities transport sector decision-makers on TDM .
- Output 1: Report with the international city-wide TDM innovative strategies and state of the art. (PM Approved - Published Externally)
- Output 2.1: Report with the Parking Management Plan for Lima, including; (i) diagnosis and impact of the current parking policies ; (ii) analysis of the institutional and regulatory diagnosis to implement parking policies; (iii) Recommendation of the new parking policies and (iv) roadmap to facilitate implementation of parking policy in Lima. (PM APPROVED - Internal use only) Output 2.2: Roadmap specific for Asuncion to create their parking charging system. (PM APPROVED - Internal use only)
- Output 3.1: The technical report measuring the impact of fare-free public transport on travel behavior in Sao Paulo. The report will include: (i) free public transport experiment, (ii) analysis of the demand response towards free public transport compared to other demand initiatives, (iii) fiscal and long-term sustainability of the policies analysis. (PM APPROVED - Internal use only) Output 3.2: The technical report measuring the impact of fare-free public transport on travel behavior in Bogota. (PM APPROVED - Internal use only)
- Output 4.1: Technical Report including: (i) innovative global practices regarding technologies used in transport data management and knowledge sharing between transport authorities, (ii) Data governance framework including data sharing agreements, privacy protocols, and mechanisms for anonymizing personally identifiable information developed for Buenos Aires (PM APPROVED - Internal use only)
- Output 5.1: Chapeau report with the conclusions from Activity #1, #2 and #3. Recommendations for LAC cities implementing free public transport initiatives (Peer Reviewed - Published Externally)
- Output 6.1: Workshop with city leaders from the activity including Bogota, Buenos Aires, Lima, Rio and Asunción. (Published Externally) Output 6.2: Workshop with city leaders from the activity including Bogota, Lima, and Santiago de Chile on Smart Ticketing Initiatives. (Published Externally)
Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:
- Knowledge South-South on TDM policies.
- KWPF, KOTI and ITS Korea, will be involved in workshops delivered to the cities, to promote future investments in the cities. (to be proposed) Knowledge Exchange between city administration on transportation challenges and implementation of policies to solve them.
- Seoul Transport Authority and The Seoul Development Institute (SDI) and Seoul Metropolitan Government will be reached to carry-out city-to-city workshops and knowledge exchange, as discussed in activity #1 and #2 (to be proposed).