Transformative Mobility and Battery Storage Program: Demonstration Projects for RE integration
Basic Information
Grant ID: K-203
Region: South Asia
Country: India
Approval Year: 2023
Grant Year: Year 11
Amount Approved by Donor: $500000.00
Sector: Transport
Grant Status: Active
TTLs: Mani Khurana (Senior Energy Specialist)Gerald Paul Ollivier (Lead Transport Specialist)Chandrasekar Govindarajalu (Practice Manager)
Grant Activities
Project Summary:
To scale up investments for Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in India and strengthen the capacity of the key stakeholders for BESS.
List of Activities:
Activity 1: RE infrastructure integration and strengthened policy and regulatory support
Activity 2: Two city-level knowledge & capacity building workshops
Activity 3: Study Tour/ Knowledge Exchange Visit
- Two technical reports, one for each of the two selected cities, containing (i) city-wide plan for RE integration and (ii) framework for strengthened policy & regulatory for RE integration.
- A minimum of two workshops will be held, one at each of the two selected cities, to disseminate the findings of Activity 1 as well as global best practices in the areas of RE and e-mobility. Workshops will aim to build the capacity of the government officials as well as relevant stakeholders to support the transition to 100% RE city.
- The study tour will lead to increased knowledge of the participants, and thereby, concerned governments, on successful models for renewable energy transition (energy and transport).
- The reports will present a city-level plan to the client to increase renewable energy generation including grid strengthening and deployment of renewable energy for e-mobility as well as make recommendations for a strengthened policy and regulatory framework to support the transition.
Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:
- Canada Clean Energy and Forests Climate Facility (CCEFCF) Fund is extending a concessional line of credit to the pipeline lending operation B4U
- Clean Technology Fund (CTF) is extending a grant for the pipeline lending operation B4U
- Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), Mobility and Logistics Trust Fund (MOLO) and International Finance Corporation (IFC) were involved during the preparation phase of The World Bank’s programmatic support to GOIs NMTMBS
- Further, partnerships and collaborations will be identified in due course