Sparking Adoption of Agricultural Technologies that Promote Climate Change Resilience through Productive Alliances
Basic Information
Grant ID: K-184
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Country: Brazil
Approval Year: 2022
Grant Year: Year 10
Amount Approved by Donor: $600000.00
Main Product Line: ASA
Sector: Agriculture
Grant start/completion: February 23, 2023 - February 28, 2025
Grant Status: Active
TTLs: Eirivelthon Santos LimaMarie Caroline Paviot
Grant Activities
Project Summary: The overall development objective of this project is to conduct a comprehensive review of Brazil’s full range of agricultural support at national and subnational levels to identify options to achieve environmental objectives (biodiversity and natural resources, climate change adaptation/mitigation) and economic objectives (inclusion, poverty reduction, OECD accession, resilience, and competitiveness). The KGTTF will contribute to assessing and proposing areas to strengthen the Productive Alliance approach in several dimensions to fully mainstream Green, Resilient, and Inclusive Development (GRID).
List of Activities: Activity 1: Deep Dive on agriculture technologies adoption by smallholder farmers - Identify resilience-building and climate-smart agriculture technologies for small-scale farmers currently available - Identify and characterize resilience-building and climate-smart agriculture technologies that are ready to be scaled - Diagnose the main bottlenecks for scaling up resilience-building and climate-smart agriculture technologies Activity 2: Mainstreaming Productive Alliances Approach into a National Agriculture Policy for Family Farmers - Review of latest findings (global, regional, and local) on mainstreaming “Productive Alliances” into public policy - Assess Productive Alliance approach with respect to: Targettting of beneficiaries and criteria to select them to participate in the intervention, Graduation rules, Proper level of matching grants - Linkage with financial institutions regarding credit, insurance, and other financial needs Activity 3: Exchange with Korean Institutions, National and Subnational Governments in Brazil
Outcomes: Output 1: - Technical report on scaling up resilience-building and climate-smart agriculture technologies through Productive Alliances Output 2: - Guidelines for Designing and Executing Productive Alliances Projects that Mainstream Green, Resilient and Inclusive Development Output 3: - Regional Workshops. A national workshop with Brazilian States, National Institutions, and Korean Institutions to increase the exchange of ideas about scaling up Productive Alliances Outcomes: - Additional project funding for Green, Resilient and Inclusive Development (GRID) oriented towards small-scale farming production - Policy note Mainstreaming Green, Resilient and Inclusive Development (GRID) into a National Program on Productive Alliance in Brazil - Results dissemination through workshops and e-workshops held
Collaboration with K-Partners and Others: This project will establish a platform for sharing knowledge that brings together experts from Korea and the States (Bahia, Pernambuco and Piaui), based on the partnership between those states and Korean agricultural institutions such as RDA (Rural Development Authority), KREI (Korea Rural Community Corporation), and KRC (Korea Rural Economic Institution) to enhance innovation and development in agriculture.