Resilient Investments for Green, Resilient and Inclusive Water

Basic Information

Grant ID: K-197

Region: Africa

Country: Ethiopia

Approval Year: 2022

Grant Year: Year 10

Amount Approved by Donor: $400000.00

Main Product Line: ASA

Sector: Water

Grant start/completion: December 19, 2022 - May 31, 2024

Grant Status: Active

TTLs: Habab Taifour

Grant Activities

Project Summary:

This project supports green growth by ensuring prioritized investments to promote the decarbonization of the water supply and sanitation services, such as decreasing emissions at the city level and ensuring the sustainability of water and its services. By promoting the incorporation of climate and non-climatic resilience in water resources management and water services in selected spatial hotspots in Ethiopia, the project supports the One WASH – Consolidate WASH Account (CWA) Project (P167794). This will include the prioritization of investments in three selected hotspots, two rural and one urban. 

List of Activities:

  • Promoting GRID in Water Resources Management in Selected Rural Hotspots in Ethiopia 
  • Resilient Water Strategies in Addis Ababa



  • Datasets generated of the characteristics of rural systems, scalable to other hotspots 
  • A prioritized set of water resources management investments

Output 2:

  • Water System Model for Addis Ababa 
  • A prioritized set of investments for promoting a green, resilient, and inclusive development trajectory in the water sector of greater Addis Ababa


Implementation of the activities will result in: (i) Hotspots for rural water resilience identified and characterized; (ii) Strategies and roadmaps to enhance resilience developed; (iii) Critical risk conditions and thresholds identified for greater Addis Ababa; and (iv) Roadmap of interventions and strategy for resilience developed with an implementation plan for Greater Addis Ababa.

Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:

  • K-Water Africa
  • One WASH - CWA Partners (AfDB, British Embassy, KOICA, Netherlands, UNICEF, Finland, Saudi Fund for Development)