Accelerating Indonesia Climate-Resilient, Sustainable and Inclusive Housing

Basic Information

Grant ID: K-195

Region: East Asia & Pacific

Country: Indonesia

Approval Year: 2022

Grant Year: Year 10

Amount Approved by Donor: $600000.00

Main Product Line: ASA

Sector: Urban

Grant start/completion: November 4, 2022 - November 30, 2024

Grant Status: Active

TTLs: Dao H Harrison

Grant Activities

Project Summary:

This grant aims to generate knowledge and provide technical support to the Indonesian government to enable inclusive and resilient urban development. It will integrate green design and technology for new home construction, support the scaling of a green certification program for the affordable housing sector, and strengthen private sector engagements to enable a blended financing platform to support fiscal sustainability.  

List of Activities:

  • ‘Indonesia Green and Affordable Housing Program’ (IGAHP) platform development
  • IGAHP Blended Funding and Financing Platform Development
  • Framework development for getting carbon credits from green, resilient, and affordable housing and public building


Output 1:

  • A technical paper laying out recommendations for a roadmap for the IGAHP platform development
  • Workshops and/or focus group discussions to collect data and build consensus for IGAHP development and implementation plan
  • A study tour providing knowledge exchange with counterparts in Korea on climate-resilient housing, construction, certification, and operation best practices.

Output 2:

  • A technical paper presenting an action plan for funding instruments and sources, term of references to support discussions with potential funders, and pro-forma financial and cash flow statements for the IGHAP operating plan
  • Presentations at international housing / housing finance investment conferences on IGAHP concepts to obtain feedback and inputs on the financing scheme and to support dialogues and donor coordination mechanisms

Output 3:

  • An assessment report on a baseline GHG emissions study for the affordable housing and public building sector on a ’business as usual’ (BAU) scenario and potential operational options for carbon credit monitoring and reporting
  • A workshop for the dissemination of findings and consensus building with stakeholders


Implementation of the activities will result in: (i) informing preparation of the NAHP 2.0 (National Affordable Housing Program – P154948) and intermediary outcome to the submission of the Bappenas investment blue book on green and affordable housing project; and (ii) Increased investment to improve climate change adaptation and mitigation in the housing sector value chain and intermediary outcomes related to coordination with our counterpart MPWH to submit green and energy-efficient housing volume targets in the preparation of the national medium-term strategy RPJMN 2024-2029.

Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:

  • Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS)
  • Korea Land and Housing
  • Korea Exim Bank
  • World Bank Climate Change team