Developing a Green, Integrated and Smart Public Transit System in Kumasi

Basic Information

Grant ID: K-192

Region: Africa

Country: Ghana

Approval Year: 2022

Grant Year: Year 10

Amount Approved by Donor: $600000.00

Main Product Line: Lending

Sector: Transport

Grant start/completion: November 10, 2022 - November 30, 2024

Grant Status: Active

TTLs: Haileyesus Adamtei Mengesha

Grant Activities

Project Summary:

In the last decades, Kumasi, the second-largest city in Ghana, has experienced significant demographic growth and urban expansion. However, rapid urbanization, inadequate urban planning, and increasing congestion are contributing to both an exponential growth of GHG emissions and Kumasi’s vulnerability to climate change. To address these challenges, it is essential for Kumasi to develop an efficient and integrated public transit network that provides low-emission transport services and resilient and inclusive access to development opportunities. The project focuses on improving mobility, safety, and accessibility along selected corridors, and developing planning capacity for sustainable urban growth in the Greater Kumasi Metropolitan Area.

List of Activities:

  • Strategizing the green transition of the public transport industry
  • Improving multimodal integration of urban transport infrastructure
  • Greening urban growth 
  • Institutional capacity building


Output 1:

  • Diagnostic study on the current public transport operation produced
  • Roadmap with an action plan for the green transition of the public transport industry developed
  • Recommendations on Kumasi public transport green transition strategy

Output 2:

  • One report on technical analysis and recommendations on public transport infrastructure integration
  • One report on recommendations on high-level ITS standards for Kumasi BRT

Output 3:

  • One report including the analysis of land use dynamics in GKMA
  • One report on TOD including 1) the barriers and opportunities for TOD in Ghana and 2) a roadmap for implementation

Output 4:

  • One LUTP training delivered to key institutional stakeholders for Kumasi urban transport development
  • One study tour to Korea for knowledge exchange on BRT development, urban planning, and TOD
  • Three capacity-building and knowledge dissemination events based on the deliverables of the proposed program


Implementation of the activities will contribute to: (i) Component 1 of KUMAP by informing the design and development of BRT infrastructure and ITS; (ii) Components 2 and 3 of the KUMAP by informing the selection of operation model and policy development and training on public transport industry as part of the technical assistance to the government; (iii) Component 3 of KUMAP by informing the policy development and training on TOD and green urban growth as part of the technical assistance to the government; and (iv) Components 3 and 4 of KUMAP to improve the government's knowledge on international experience and increase the readiness of institutional capacity to develop BRTs.

Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:

  • Korean Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS)
  • The Export-Import Bank of Korea (KEXIM)
  • Korea Transport Institute (KOTI)
  • Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG)
  • Transport Operation and Information Service (TOPIS)