Download - Korea Forest Service - Brochure 2022
Korea is a forest-rich nation with 63% of its land being covered in trees. As a result of afforestation and systematic forest cultivation for the past 50 years, the barren lands of Korea transformed into lush forests. Also, the value of forest’s public functions, such as greenhouse gas absorption and water storage, increased to 221 trillion won per year, providing various benefits to everyone in the country.
In order to reinforce the economic and public functions of forests and expand the resulting benefits, KFS will devise a forest management system that promotes mutual growth with local communities by strengthening the forest industry, which is the basis of forest management. KFS will also establish a sustainable forest industry system by creating jobs and exploring future economic opportunities in forests.
In addition, KFS will reinforce its disaster response capabilities to protect lives and property from forest fires and landslides, which are increasing in scale due to climate change. Furthermore, KFS will expand forest welfare services for people who are physically and mentally exhausted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, thereby creating forests that sustain the lives of the people.