Kolkata Metropolitan Transport Efficiency Improvement
Basic Information
Grant ID: K-68
Region: South Asia
Country: India
Approval Year: 2015
Grant Year: Year 3
Amount Approved by Donor: $400000.00
Main Product Line: ASA
Sector: Transport
Grant start/completion: 9/5/2015 ~ 6/30/2017
Grant Status: Closed
TTLs: Rakhi Basu (Consultant)
Grant Activities
Project Summary:
The population in the Kolkata Metropolitan Area (KMA) has exploded since India won its independence. In 1947 there were just 0.6 million residents, compared to a projected 21 million by 2025, and the city continues to struggle to recover from and manage this growth. KMA, unlike other mega cities in India, has a large number of public transport modes, from rickshaws and buses to trams and ferries. It is the integration of these systems and decongestion of the KMA that is the focal point of this green growth implementation program. Funding went toward researching low-carbon solutions through a combination of smart urban planning, technology use, bus reform, pricing policies, and open space and land use planning. Once these factors came together, service improved and the city will become more livable, able to grow in a sustainable way. It also allowed for the transfer of knowledge on what works and what doesn’t with respect to design, phasing, and implementation of green development initiatives, including policy reforms, investments, and private sector engagement.
List of Activities:
- Formulate green growth strategy: workshops, stakeholder consultation, and data collection
- Planning and designing pilot reject
- Capacity building through training, study tours, and workshops
Output 1:
- Develop integrated mobility plan
- Develop institutional delivery model
Output 2:
- Identify capital improvement plan
- Complete feasibility studies
- Improve operational plan for public transport
- Develop urban regeneration plan for Howrah
Output 3:
- Workshop and training
The project outcomes include multimodal integration which improved connectivity among KMA and the new suburban centers and higher productivity due to shorter distance travelled. The low carbon strategy with the urban regeneration plan identified investments required to implement the strategy which developed into a lending program with the World Bank.
Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:
- Other external partners: World Resource Institute (WRI): WRI is expected to partner with the World Bank in developing a low carbon urban transport strategy for the KMA with a focus on Howrah. The collaboration will be in the form of technical advisory and knowledge sharing. An initial meeting with WRI and World Bank has taken place to discuss a joint collaboration strategy.