Green Cities and Low Carbon Industries Initiative

Basic Information

Grant ID: K-24

Region: Africa

Country: Sub-Saharan Africa

Approval Year: 2014

Grant Year: Year 2

Amount Approved by Donor: $600000.00

Main Product Line: IFC - Advisory

Sector: Digital Development

Grant start/completion: September 16, 2014 – December 31, 2018

Grant Status: Closed

TTLs: Cristina Navarrete Moreno Alexandre Hugo LaureSinem Demir

Grant Activities

Project Summary:

Cities and their industries drive economic growth, but industrial cities also consume vast quantities of energy and resources and generate huge waste. This two-year USD $600,000 program improves efficiency in industrial processes in African cities, while enhancing climate and environmental resilience. Using Korean experience and expertise, the money saved by increasing efficiency frees energy, natural, and fiscal resources for other areas of urban development. The grant from KGGTF will provide funding to identify ICT-based measures that (i) facilitate low-carbon production in industries within cities; (ii) are economically feasible and beneficial to the urban population; and (iii) can be absorbed by a cross-section of the industrial sectors.

List of Activities:

  • Selecting target city within Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Conducting diagnostics and development of an ICT-based green industries roadmap for target city
  • Implementing support for roadmap and investment generation
  • Testing and validating the decision-making tools for use in appropriate KGGTF-supported investment programs
  • Sequencing and coordinating public-and-private initiatives and investments on green measures for urban industries


Output 1:

  • Identification and selection of a pilot city
  • Agreement on the roles and responsibilities of the project partners

Output 2:

  • Joint with WB, development of a GHG emissions inventory for the city
  • Energy use analysis and material flow analysis for priority sector
  • Identification of GHG mitigation opportunities
  • Identification and improvement of financing opportunities for any investments in more efficient and less carbon emitting equipment
  • Regulatory framework and implementation support
  • Selection of ICT platform as enabler of identified opportunities
  • Development of a ICT enabled industries roadmap for targeted green cities initiative

Output 3:

  • ICT and public-private dialogue networks
  • Capacity-building/training
  • Knowledge dissemination and sharing


The outcomes of this project include selection brief for the identification of target city, energy/ GHG and material use accounting analysis, and Green Cities Industry Roadmap. The project will identify and help mobilize private financing to implement ICT-based measures in urban industries that increase efficiency, are beneficial to the urban population, and can be absorbed by a cross-section of the industrial sectors. In addition to this increase in efficiency, the project is also expected to increase the resilience of the cities’ water and energy systems by decreasing the industries’ reliance on them through ICT-supported measures such as demand management, recycling, and optimized production.

Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:

The diagnostic and dialogue components of the project formed partnerships with NGOs and other donors who are capable of implementing the green industry opportunities in the city. The team particularly leveraged its partnership with the Korea Industrial Complex Corporation (KICOX) and the Korea Energy Management Corporation (KEMCO) to further the south-south knowledge exchange and to bring deep/practical technical knowledge to the client country. In particular, the team organized a knowledge exchange event in Seoul in March to discuss potential follow-on work.