Towards Greener and More Efficient Logistics in the Ukraine: An Integrative Approach
Basic Information
Grant ID: K-101
Region: Europe and Central Asia
Country: Ukraine
Approval Year: 2016
Grant Year: Year 4
Amount Approved by Donor: $700000.00
Main Product Line: ASA
Sector: Transport
Grant start/completion: 09/19/2016 ~ 06/30/2018
Grant Status: Closed
TTLs: Gozde Isik (Senior Transport Specialist)
Grant Activities
Project Summary:
This grant supported a sustainable logistics strategy in the Ukraine that makes better use of the country’s cleaner transportation channels, such as its waterways, and improved the economic and environmental performance of more popular transportation modes, such as railways and roads. KGGTF funding went toward evaluating regulatory and legal barriers to implementation and enforcement, cost analysis (financial and environmental), benchmarking logistical performance, and assessing and building institutional capacity. The end product, a national logistics action plan, helped guide and monitor the implementation of a new transportation and green growth path for the Ukraine.
List of Activities:
- Transport/Logistics and Trade Facilitation Assessment
- Benchmarking Methodology to assess performance of Green Corridors
- Logistics Costs Analysis
- Sustainable Logistics Priority Action Plan and Implementation
- Assessment and benchmarking of the public transport systems of Odessa
- Assessment of freight flows and institutional logistic organization in Odessa.
- Recommendations to implement a coordinated mobility and urban logistics planning approach and identification of short and medium term actions
- Strengthening of the transport planning capability and knowledge exchange
Output 1:
- 1.1. Final Report on Logistics Performance and Regulatory Assessment
- 1.2. Final report on Benchmarking Methodology for Green Transport Corridors
- 1.3. Logistics costs analysis completed
Output 2:
- 2.1. Sustainable Logistics Action Plan, which includes policy recommendations and investment projects completed
- 2.2. Establishment of Logistics Committee. Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing Plan for the GoU.
Output 3:
- 3.1. Public transport assessment including (i) assessment of the supply of public transport infrastructure, rolling stocks and services, passenger demand, and various performance parameters of public transport, (ii) benchmarking against better performing cities, (iii) identification of the underlying physical, technical, financial, regulatory and institutional gaps/causes in the areas of under-performance, and (iv) identification of areas for improvement and underserved areas of the city
- 3.2. (i) an assessment of freight flows within the city and in transit and their impact on the overall transport and urban system, (ii) analysis and recommendations for a greener freight transport, (iii) a vulnerability assessment, and (iv) an institutional assessment of the organization of the logistic sector in Odessa, city and port and Pilot City-Port Logistics Strategy
- 3.3. Recommendations for an integrated approach to planning including (i) comprehensive and participatory planning covering public transport, private transport and urban logistics, (ii) list of high priority soft measures and investments with preliminary cost assessment.
- 3.4. (i) a set of recommendations to improve the planning capacity and (ii) knowledge exchange activities with the Korean partner, Busan Metropolitan City
The combined urban transport/urban logistic approach played on different levers to improve efficiency including more efficient public transport using optimized routes and better vehicles, promoting ICT for user information and attracting new users from private vehicles, improved urban freight transport releasing congestion and decreasing GHG emissions, better integrated urban planning for more efficient, resilient and green investments. A vulnerability assessment provided the basis for more resilient planning and management in case of disruptions. The development of the waterways was consistent with improvements in resilience and help mitigate potential negative impacts of climate change. An integrated approach was taken to deliver the synergies between urban and port activities to support the economic growth.
Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:
- WBG internal partners: The key internal partners include PPIAF (financing partner), Agriculture and Urban and Trade and Competitiveness GP, and IFC.
- K-Partners:
Busan Metropolitan City and Port Authority are envisaged as a key partners on city logistics aspects. The partners will support the municipality and port authority of Odessa in preparing and implementing better integrated greener and efficient planning and investments.
K-water (Korea Water Resources Corporation), KMI (Korea Maritime Institute), and MOLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport) as key partners in the development of the Logistics Assessment and development and implementation of Logistics Action Plan. - Other external partners: European commission (EC), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Government of Finland. Collaboration with external partners continued from previous engagement in related activities.
- Non- traditional partners: Private stakeholders that use big data for analytics, mapping and supply chain analysis. (Preliminary partners identified: Facebook, SourceMap, Port of Duisburg)