Leveraging Digital Technologies for Scaling up Climate Smart Agriculture in Kenya
Basic Information
Grant ID: K-146
Region: Africa
Country: Kenya
Approval Year: 2020
Grant Year: Year 8
Amount Approved by Donor: $400000.00
Main Product Line: Lending
Sector: Agriculture
Grant start/completion: 1/20/2021~ 6/30/2023
Grant Status: Closed
TTLs: Vinay Kumar Vutukuru (Senior Agriculture Economist)
Grant Activities
Project Summary:
Building on the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project(KCSAP) and the One Million Digital Farmer Platform(OMFP), this project aims to offer technical support and catalytic grant support to both the Private and Public Sector, thereby ensuring that digital technologies are leveraged for scaling up green agriculture technologies in Kenya.
List of Activities:
- Catalytic Grants to Agritech Startups from the private sector including Korean start-ups and linking them with KCSAP and OMFP initiatives, leverage digital technologies to promote green growth.
- Provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture and helping them in scaling up Climate Smart technologies and Digitization for improving decision making and service delivery.
- Systematically bringing in the technical expertise of the Korean ecosystem including institutions such as the Plug & Pay Tech Centre, Korea Telecom and other Korean Startups in the Digital Ag-space and MAFRA will be brought in systematically across both the above approaches.
- Knowledge and learning event to bring together key stakeholders from Korea and Kenya Innovation Challenge on Climate Smart Green Technologies in collaboration with Korean institutions.
- Explore collaborations with Korean institutions including National Information Society Agency (NIA) on Smart Farming and Greenhouse Technologies and MAFRA on Climate Smart Data Platforms and green growth and organic certification for value chains.
Output 1
- Behavior change of MoA officials who influence policy and decision making; adaption of strategies that promote green growth
- Increased awareness of multi-sectoral climate smart technologies and approach across the counties
- Knowledge products developed post event
- Indicators: Successful event with a participation of 16-45 county stakeholders and at least 10 Korean counterparts
Output 2
- Initiate additional cohort members to the one million farmer platform. This cohort will focus on green growth and climate smart technologies
- Offer technical assistance to the cohort so that they work closely with the counties to ensure technologies are incorporated on the ground with the support of NARIGP and KCSAP Projects
- Indicators: Target number of farmers reached through selected climate smart DATs with the support of KGGTF at county level, especially through the One Million Farmers Platform
Output 3
- Offer technical support the county officers both at national and county level
- Training program with Koreans to create change agents within MoALFI and other organizations such as KALRO to adopt technology
- Capacity-building activities with technology providers such as Microsoft and other relevant ecosystem players for MAAIF and PCU officials
- Indicators: Technical support on scaling up climate smart digital initiatives through the Agriculture Transformation – Enabling Policy Framework developed
Output 4
- Technical support on scaling up climate smart digital initiatives through the Agriculture Transformation – Enabling Policy Framework developed
- Indicator: Understand the current certification programs for value chains on Kenya
The project will support scaling up the Climate Smart and Green Agriculture Technologies by leveraging digital technologies with at least 100,000 farmers. Other expected outcomes include enhanced capacity within the Ministry of Agriculture at the national level and country level and KALRO on the use of Big Data, AI, and the overall Digitization Agenda in Kenya. Application of Korea’s expertise in Climate Smart Agriculture by mainstreaming climate smart and green technologies in Kenya is also expected from this grant.
Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:
- National Information Society Agency (NIA) on Smart Farming and Green House Technologies.
- MAFRA on Climate Smart Data Platforms and green growth and organic certification for value chains
- Korean ecosystem including institutions like the Plug & Play Tech Centre, Korea Telecom and other Korean Startups in the Digital Agriculture Space and MAFRA will be brought to the collaboration approaches.