Capacity Building and Water Academy-Uzbekistan

Basic Information

Grant ID: K-180

Region: Europe and Central Asia

Country: Uzbekistan

Approval Year: 2021

Grant Year: Year 9

Amount Approved by Donor: $285000.00

Main Product Line: ASA

Sector: Water

Grant start/completion: 11/21/2021 - 10/31/2023

Grant Status: Active

TTLs: Khairy Al-Jamal

Grant Activities

Project Summary:

The grant aims to improve coverage, quality and efficiency of water supply and sanitation services, and strengthen the planning and regulatory capacity building of the water supply and sewerage sector in Uzbekistan. The program is fully aligned with the regional and country priorities in building the water utilities capacities, enhance the sustainability of the sector, increase the operational and financial efficiency and ensure green growth via the promotion of energy efficiency and strengthening climate resilience management, water recycling and protection of water resources through proper treatment and reuse of treated effluent. This capacity will be built through training of trainers and strengthening the Uzbekistan Water Academy’s capacity building function for Water Supply and Sanitation Services at the national level in particular and hopefully at the regional level as qualified center of excellence to benefit Central Asia countries. 

List of Activities:

Activity 1: Support the establishment of the Water Academy for Uzbekistan

Activity 2: Develop training module curriculum

Activity 3: Organize water specialized trainings of trainers

Activity 4: Introduce professional certification in operators of drinking and sewage facilities

Activity 5: Facilitate effective collaboration between national and Korean institutions


Output 1

  • Needs assessment for training system for Water Supply and Sanitation sector
  • Development of training modules and network of national trainers
  • Five-year strategy on training program

Output 2

  • Training materials and curriculum, textbooks in Uzbek language.

Output 3

  • a series of trainings; (ii) number of trainers.

Output 4

  • Certification process in place


  • Well-functioned Water Academy in Uzbekistan.
  • Increased institutional capacity and knowledge skills.
  • Improved collaboration and partnerships with Korea institutions.  

Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:

The grant will benefit the JSC UzSuvtaminot and its regional Suvtaminots LLC. The implementation will benefit from the partnership with K-Water and their extensive experience in the establishment of Water Academies and capacity and training hubs in Uganda and other countries around the world.