Integration of Land Information and Geospatial Systems for Green Economic Recovery (ILIGS-GER)
Basic Information
Grant ID: K-178
Region: East Asia & Pacific
Country: Vietnam
Approval Year: 2021
Grant Year: Year 9
Amount Approved by Donor: $400000.00
Main Product Line: Lending
Sector: Urban
Grant start/completion: 10/28/2021 - June 30, 2023
Grant Status: Closed
TTLs: Kathrine M. Kelm (Senior Land Administration Specialist)
Grant Activities
Project Summary:
Over the past 20 years, reforms in the Vietnam land sector are a centerpiece of the Government’s Doi Moi (reform) process and is widely recognized as one of the important drivers of Vietnam’s rapid growth and poverty reduction. As Vietnam embarks on the next decade of land policy reform, the World Bank has a unique opportunity to influence strategic policy decisions on how land assets are used and managed by assisting with the improvement of data quality and integration of land and geospatial information data in a selected province in Vietnam. In addition, the grant will also provide policy and knowledge support for incorporating a ‘green growth’ concept into the forthcoming land policy and land law revisions at the national level. The grant is linked to an on-going World Bank lending operation “Vietnam Improved Land Governance and Databases”.
List of Activities:
Component 1: Integration of land and geospatial information system
- Activity 1.1: Piloting the integration of land and geospatial information systems for key applications.
- Activity 1.2: Support to the use of integrated LIS/GIS data for land and property valuation and smart and resilient city planning.
Component 2: Support to preparation/revision of the new Land Policy Resolution and Land Law
- Activity 2.1: Support to the revision of the new land policy resolution and land law.
Component 3: Capacity building and knowledge dissemination
- Activity 3.1: National workshop on land policy/law revision.
- Activity 3.2: Global launch of case studies and analytical report on land and property valuation and smart and resilient cities.
- Activity 3.3: Knowledge exchange events about LIS/GIS integration, planning support system for smart and resilient city planning, and green growth concept incorporated into land policy formation/revision.
Output 1
- Situation analysis report on the assessment of the Land Information System (LIS) (including data quality, interoperability, legal/regulatory, capacity, etc.), including a Roadmap for addressing data quality issues and national scale-up
- Draft guidelines report for using the integrated LIS/GIS for key applications
Output 2
- Policy notes on priority land reform topics
- Topical land policy/law reform consultation workshops with international expertise
- A more harmonized approach for LIS/GIS information and e-services at both national policy level and provincial level implementation.
- Improved knowledge on land policies incorporating Green Growth aspects.
- Informed officials about best practices on priority land policy topics
- Enhanced knowledge on land policy reform and green growth.
- Informed officials about the use of LIS/GIS for Covid-19 recovery.
Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:
- Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH)
- Korea Real Estate Board (REB)
- K-Water
- Korea Research Institute of Human Settlement (KRIHS)