Strategic Green Growth Transitions in Nepal: Toward a post-COVID recovery
Basic Information
Grant ID: K-174
Region: South Asia
Country: Nepal
Approval Year: 2021
Grant Year: Year 9
Amount Approved by Donor: $350000.00
Main Product Line: ASA
Sector: Urban
Grant start/completion: 11/24/2021 - 6/30/2023 (anticipated)
Grant Status: Active
TTLs: Stephen Danyo (Sector Leader)
Grant Activities
Project Summary:
The grant aims to advance inclusive green growth in Nepal, in green finance and fiscal policy, the agriculture/water/forest nexus, clean energy and transport, resilient infrastructure and urban development, nature-based tourism, biodiversity, and waste and pollution. It will provide an opportunity to influence and inform decision-making in Nepal to transition to green economies and recovery.
List of Activities:
- Activity 1: Green growth diagnostics and thematic deep dives. The activity includes an analysis of different financial and fiscal instrument options for green growth investments; air quality management analysis.
- Activity 2: Green growth platforms for policy dialogue, knowledge promotion and dissemination.
- Activity 3: Green growth capacity building, pilot and demonstration.
Output 1
- Report with recommendations from the analysis, including a prioritized list of financial and fiscal instruments for green growth for Nepal
- Case study of Korean experience and benchmarking with Nepal in promoting green investment by the public and private sector
- Report with conclusions and recommendations from the analysis on environmental impact assessments and risk management Nepal
- Functional maps defining airsheds for Nepal
Output 2
- Inputs for the Government of Nepal's (GoN) preparation of its GRID Strategic Action Plan with a joint implementation and monitoring plan to track delivery and impact (with multiple DP support and GoN budget allocated to finance the priorities)
- GoN GRID Platform, including regular dialogues among stakeholders on investment, institutions, information, and policy
- Nepal diagnostic benchmark metrics and indicators
- GRID strategic communication products
- PCN and ROC-ready Program document (for development of DPC series)
- Opportunities for convening investment to finance GRID-compliant (e.g. green growth) investments. This includes identification of complementary areas for private sector action to transition to GRID and a strategic plan to mobilize private investment (towards regular dialogues among stakeholders on investment, institutions, information, and policy)
Output 3
- Report of review of policies for identified new technology to create new jobs
- Report on the analytics on green skills in Nepal
- Pilot on green tech in Nepal
- Training program to develop new skills5. Knowledge exchange (virtual and in-person)
- Investment dialogues on WBG pipeline development informed by diagnostics
- New GRID DPC in Nepal informed by analytics
- Enhanced participation of the private sector in green growth and promote change in government expenditure or investments
- Improved country capacity on EIA and risk management
- Increased awareness on air pollution and its impacts leading to behavioral change contribution towards the development of a green growth roadmap and action plans for Nepal
- Enhanced awareness on green growth, environmental issues amongst policy and decision-makers in Nepal
- Increased green jobs
- New partnerships created for knowledge exchange and industrial capacity building on green tech
- Technology transfer and investments in new green tech in the countries
Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:
MAFRA, KECO, KEITI, KFS, KEI, KRC, EPIS and K-Water (tentative)