Programmatic Technical Assistance (TA) on Energy Transition in the East Asia and Pacific (EAP) region

Basic Information

Grant ID: K-170

Region: East Asia & Pacific

Country: China

Approval Year: 2021

Grant Year: Year 9

Amount Approved by Donor: $600000.00

Main Product Line: ASA

Sector: Energy

Grant start/completion: TBC

Grant Status: Active

TTLs: Joonkyung Seong (Senior Energy Specialist)

Grant Activities

Project Summary:

East Asia Pacific region is recognized as being at the center of global energy transition and climate change mitigation, representing a significant share of global GHG emission and coal production and consumption. The region is driving global coal consumption as well as greenhouse gas (GHG) emission. The grant therefore aims to support the regional operations on energy transition, leveraging Korea’s low carbon innovation and technology experience.

List of Activities:

  • Activity 1: Support a techno-economic assessment of energy storage options in the Philippines, including battery storage and pumped storage hydropower, acknowledging the key role of energy storage in integrating growing VRE such as solar and wind.
  • Activity 2: Evaluate the access of potential e-mobility, green/smart mobility solutions, and their impacts on the power system in Mongolia, identify policy framework to be strengthened and potential investment opportunities, and develop a national roadmap as part of energy transition. 
  • Activity 3: Organize knowledge sharing and capacity building/training among EAP. 


Output 1:

  • Techno-economic assessment of energy storage options
  • Pre-feasibility study of potential investment

Output 2: 

  • Report on a preliminary assessment
  • Technical/policy recommendations for green/smart mobility.

Output 3

  • Regional conference organized to share the findings of the energy transition report
  • Report presenting analytical work and lessons and case studies
  • Capacity building and training programs and materials


  • Potential lending operations for energy transition including battery, thermal and pumped hydro 
  • Increased public/private investments in battery storage system, pumped hydro power and renewable energy 
  • Informed policy actions and strategies for e-mobility
  • Scaled-up regional collaboration among EAP on energy transition 
  • Enhanced capacity of client governments to advance energy transition 

Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:


  • ASEAN Secretariat 
  • Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) 
  • Korea Energy Agency (KEA) 
  • Korea Battery Industry Association (K-BIA) 
  • Korean Academia (Seoul National University (SNU) and Korea Institute of Energy Technology (KENTECH