Greening Digital: Implementing Green Digital Infrastructure Development

Basic Information

Grant ID: K-169

Region: Global

Country: Global

Approval Year: 2021

Grant Year: Year 9

Amount Approved by Donor: $610000.00

Main Product Line: ASA

Sector: Digital Development

Grant start/completion: TBC

Grant Status: Active

TTLs: Sara Ballan (Senior Digital Development Specialist)

Grant Activities

Project Summary:

The objective of this program is to support Low and Middle Income (LMIC) countries with the implementation of climate change strategies in the digital sector. Globally, the digital sector is a small but significant source of GHG emissions. It is growing very quickly with the rapid pace of digitalization of the economy. At the same time, digital technologies are an essential foundation for strategies to reduce GHG emissions in other sectors and to design and implement adaptation measures. The critical role of digital in climate change is broadly recognized. However, practical knowledge on how to operationalize it through policy, regulation and investment is less well understood. This program will address this gap by developing necessary tools and inspiring client governments to integrate them in planning and implementing digital projects.

List of Activities:

  • Activity 1: Develop operational tools client governments in LMIC andWB teams can use to plan and implement green solutions along the digital value chain
  • Activity 2: Develop GHG accounting principles for digital infrastructure to enable qualified decision making and improved reporting on climate impact
  • Activity 3: Ensure tool development is based on WB and client needs and tools are tested and refined to meet these needs 
  • Activity 4: Ensure knowledge and tools developed in project are widely disseminated, including appropriate training, and result in maximum impact 


Output 1:

  • Note summarizing high-level research to inform tool development
  • Dynamic green digital infrastructure case database to inform tool development
  • Guidance notes and/or virtual resources related to priority digital interventions.

Output 2:

  • Short report highlighting review findings
  • Digital infrastructure GHG accounting tool

Output 3:

  • Short report on status of green digital infrastructure in case countries and needs assessment to inform project
  • Tool test completed and tools refined to meet target group needs

Output 4:

  • Tools, communication, and training material developed for WB and public consumption


  • Greater green growth consideration in new public digital infrastructure investment programs and policies, in LMIC client countries, especially related to the priority areas covered by guidance notes.
  • Change in approach to prioritize green investments in digital infrastructure in existing and pipeline Bank lending operations.
  • Mainstream digital GHG accounting in WB to allow better planning, decisions, and reporting leading to more climate resilient and energy efficient investments and client projects.   
  • Quality of tools is increased for the benefit of all users
  • Increase in understanding and acceptance of digital green growth principles related to digital among event and training participants, especially on how to operationalize.
  • Deeper understanding of the global best practice, including the Korean experience of implementing green principles in digital and how this can be applied in developing countries. 
  • Development of new partnerships with green growth technical experts/institutions, including strengthened commitment and sustainability of partnerships made among Korean counterparts, WBG staff and clients towards green growth operationalization within digital.  

Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:

  • World Bank Climate Change Group
  • Korea Ministry of Science and ICT
  • Institute of Information & Communications Technology Planning
  • National Information Society Agency (NIA)