Support to Development of National Program for Citywide Inclusive Sanitation

Basic Information

Grant ID: K-165

Region: East Asia & Pacific

Country: Indonesia

Approval Year: 2020

Grant Year: Year 8

Amount Approved by Donor: $400000.00

Main Product Line: Pipeline Lending

Sector: Water

Grant start/completion: May 17, 2021~December 31, 2022 (Anticipated)

Grant Status: Active

TTLs: Irma Magdalena Setiono (Senior Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist)

Grant Activities

Project Summary:

The main objective of this project is to support the Government of Indonesia in the preparation of a national program on urban sanitation and project preparation of the National Urban Wastewater Management Project (NUWWMP), which aims to increase access to safely managed sanitation through a Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) approach. The program includes national level support to the enabling environment, and on establishing model sanitation cities for CWIS implementation through the NUWWMP project preparation and implementation. The grant activities will improve the capacity of national and local governments for wastewater management and increase access to safely managed sanitation to the population living in selected cities in Indonesia. 

This grant is linked to Pipeline Lending ($200,000,000).

List of Activities:

  1. Policy development for urban sanitation by supporting finalization and operationalization of the national sanitation bill
    1. Development of national policy for urban sanitation development by supporting finalization and operationalization of sanitation bill - Policy Brief on the National Sanitation Bill 
  2. Development of CWIS investment framework and improvement of the Sanitation Management Information System
    1. Development of CWIS investment framework and improvement of the Sanitation Management Information System - City assessment
    2. Development of CWIS investment framework and improvement of the Sanitation Management Information System - Development of CWIS investment framework 
    3. Development of CWIS investment framework and improvement of the Sanitation Management Information System - Improvement of the Sanitation Management Information System 
  3. Development of CWIS guidance and planning tools
    1. Development of CWIS guidance and planning tools - Published Guideline and Planning Tool
  4. Knowledge exchange and technical deep dive workshops
    1. Knowledge exchange and technical deep dive workshops - Knowledge Exchange Workshop in Republic of Korea and workshops at Indonesian municipalities


Output 1:

  • 1.1. Policy note on recommendations to contribute to finalization of sanitation bill and its implementing regulations developed

Output 2:

  • 2.1. Comprehensive assessment on 30 NUWWMP priority cities completed 
  • 2.2. A national CWIS investment framework developed and adopted in urban sanitation development
  • 2.3. The Sanitation Management Information System is improved and utilized for sector monitoring and evaluation, for better policy/decision making 

Output 3:

  • 3.1. CWIS guidance and planning tools to assist LGs developed 

Output 4:

  • 4.1. Implementation of Knowledge Exchange Visioning Mission and series of Technical Deep Dive Workshops


  1. Improved efficiency:   
  • Provision of input for development of the National Sanitation Bill (Policy Brief) 
  • Convened multi-stakeholder forums bridging national and subnational stakeholders 
  • Innovation forums at the municipal level linking 30 cities and established mechanisms for applying the CWIS framework 
  • Recommended indicators for improved sanitation sector monitoring
  • Proposed methodology for establishing spatial monitoring indicators to track progress in the sanitation sector. 
  1. Greater resilience:   
  • Published guidelines and planning tools for CWIS targeted at identifying investments and maintenance approaches geared towards improving environmental health and livability 
  • Established city assessment approaches for national agencies to assist subnational governments to identify opportunities for targeted investments in sanitation
  • Established network of model cities as sites of learning for other Indonesian municipalities
  1. Increased competitiveness:  
  • Supported initiatives to shift from a paradigm shift that views sanitation as waste burden to value creation opportunity that will support improvement of city's productivity and economic growth

Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:

  • Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute (KEITI)
  • Korea Environment Corporation (K-Eco)
  • K-water