Innovative technology to support Brahmaputra-Jamuna River Economic Corridor Development
Basic Information
Grant ID: K-164
Region: South Asia
Country: Bangladesh
Approval Year: 2020
Grant Year: Year 8
Amount Approved by Donor: $400000.00
Main Product Line: ASA
Sector: Water
Grant start/completion: January 22, 2021~June 30, 2022 (Anticipated)
Grant Status: Closed
TTLs: Ahmed Shawky M. Abdel Ghany (Senior Water Resources Management Specialist)
Grant Activities
Project Summary:
The Jamuna Economic Corridor Development Project is one of the priority projects that the Bank would be financing in support of the implementation of the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 (BDP2100). The BDP2100 foresees investments of up to $6 billion for Jamuna river in river training works, aids to navigation, and smart dredging. The project aims to operationalize sustainable development through pursuing inclusive green growth by reconciling Bangladesh’s urgent need for rapid growth and poverty alleviation with the need to avoid irreversible and costly environmental damage. The grant activities will support the Government of Bangladesh to achieve its BDP2100 economic goals related to Jamuna River management through developing a manageable navigation channel using innovative, state of the art technology, thereby spurring economic activities along the river and strengthening regional integration through transboundary waterways transport. The grant project specifically aims to (a) enhance resilience of Jamuna River’s riverbanks to flooding and erosion; (b) improve navigability of the Jamuna River; and (c) strengthen sector institutional capacity.
List of Activities:
- Capacity building to prepare innovative regional inland water transport
- Support to Prepare Foundational Aids to Navigation
- Support to Establish a Bilateral Navigation Facilitation Committee
- Capacity building to prepare sustainable river training structures using the “building-with-nature” concept and facilitating the creation of riverine Green Economic Zones
- Capacity building on preparation of dredging and land reclamation
- Capacity building on modeling and demos of innovative river-training activities
Output 1.1:
- Preliminary research and ToR on innovative Foundational Aids to Navigation.
Output 1.2:
- Establishment of a Bilateral Navigation Facilitation Committee supported by innovative ITC
Output 2.1:
- Preliminary research and ToR on dynamic performance-based dredging contracts and land reclamation activities
Output 2.2:
- Preliminary research and ToR on 3-D hydro-morphological modeling and in-situ demonstrations of innovative river-training activities
- Improved efficiency:
- Development of institutionalization for green growth implementation
- Changes in decision-making and practice in application of green growth river management technologies/practices)
- Increased efforts to disseminate the knowledge acquired within client institutions
- Greater resilience:
- Adoption of new technologies, innovation ideas, know-how by private sector
- Increase in institutional capacity to develop and execute green growth projects
- Increased competitiveness:
- New pilot projects initiated to enhance green growth
- Feasibility studies followed by pilot projects
- Green growth oriented public investment decisions in infrastructure projects or investment
- Development of new partnerships with green growth technical experts/institutions
- Adoption of new technologies, innovation ideas, know-how by private sector
- Institutional/decision maker's capacity building in multi-sectoral analytics
Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:
- World Bank-Bangladesh Country Partnership Framework (CPF)