Egypt Green Transport Master Plan and Data Management System to Support Digital Transformation of the Transport Sector and Intelligent Transport Systems

Basic Information

Grant ID: K-143

Region: Middle East & North Africa

Country: Egypt

Approval Year: 2019

Grant Year: Year 7

Amount Approved by Donor: $600000.00

Main Product Line: ASA

Sector: Transport

Grant start/completion: January 23, 2020~ May 31, 2022 (Anticipated)

Grant Status: Closed

TTLs: Arturo Ardila Gomez (Lead Transport Economist)

Grant Activities

Project Summary:

The objective of this grant is to develop a Data Management System to support the Development of the Green Transport Master Plan, the Digital Transformation of the Transport Sector and Intelligent Transport Systems in Egypt. Cairo is one of the five most congested and polluted cities in the world. It accounts for 25% of Egypt’s population and half of its GDP. A World Bank study estimated the costs of congestion in the Greater Cairo Metro Area at 3.6 percent of the country’s GDP. While the Government of Egypt is investing in mass transit transport projects, rapid urban and population growth and increasing motorization warrant the development of a comprehensive strategy to enhance the economic competitiveness of the metropolitan area and the country itself. This project aims at collecting data to develop a Green Transport Master Plan and a crowdsourcing, multi-platform, integrated big data system for tracking traffic, congestion, and accidents in Egypt, starting with the Greater Cairo Region. The data system will support the planning and regulating of urban traffic and development plans. Currently, no agency is systematically collecting urban traffic data, despite the extensive congestion, especially in the Greater Cairo Region. The team responsible for the execution of this activity will partner with the Korea Transport Institute (KOTI), the Korean Energy Agency (KEA) and the Green Technology Center-Korea (GTC-K) to share results, build on existing knowledge on Urban Transport Planning, and leverage digital technologies for Smart Cities development and management. 

List of Activities:

  1. Kick-off meeting
  2. Inception Report
  3. Interim Report 1 - Data Collection comprising a household survey, a focus group interview, and field data collection
  4. Interim Report 2 - Travel Demand Model Development which summarizes findings from analysis of base year data, including geographic, demographic, and socioeconomic characteristics of the study area; existing transport network
  5. Interim Report 3: Intervention Proposal Identification 
  6. Interim Report 4: Economic Appraisal
  7. Interim Report 5: Conceptual Design of Top-Tier Intervention Proposals 
  8. Interim Report 6: Financial Assessment of Top-Tier Intervention Proposals 
  9. Interim Report 7: Proposing an Implementation Roadmap for Egyptian Authorities
  10. Capacity Building of Government Staff - training on data collection, data analysis, model development, modelling intervention proposals, and impact assessment
  11. Final Report – It encompass a brief outline of the project outcomes, particularly in relation to its originally stated objectives and outcomes


Output 1:

  • 1.1 The kick-off meeting will set the expectations across the entire team. 
  • 1.2 The meeting agenda will ensure everyone is engaged and understands the project scope, objectives, desired outcomes and outputs. 

Output 2:

  • 2.1 The inception report reviews the relevant literature as well as data needs based on assessment of available data.
  • 2.2 The report includes key evaluation questions and information on data sources and collection, sampling and key indicators.
  • 2.3 The report shall summarize the data findings as well as recommending the data to be collected in subsequent tasks to achieve the project objectives.

Output 3:

  • 3.1 Data collection will comprise a household survey, a focus group interview, and field data collection.
  • 3.2 The data collected uses appropriate formats such as geodatabases and csv, the Interim Report shall document the activities conducted in this section, summarizes findings, and recommends measures to effectively execute activities.

Output 4:

  • 4.1 The report shall include a 4-step regional travel demand analysis whereby all model files and databases of a fully-functional version of the model.
  • 4.2 The Report summarizes findings from analysis of base year data, including but not limited to: geographic, demographic, and socioeconomic characteristics of the study area; existing transport network (road network, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, public transport systems, conditions and access to these facilities); as well as travel demand and mobility trends, including modal choice across region and on key corridors.
  • 4.3 The report shall state the Consultant’s activities in this phase, including model development, estimation of trip generation, distribution, and modal choice models, trip assignment, model validation, and performance of these steps. 
  • 4.4 The report should include graphics as appropriate for ease of understanding and effective communication of findings with stakeholders.

Output 5:

  • 5.1 The report is going to identify intervention proposals to improve public transport system.
  • 5.2 The report will summarize activities in this phase, including workshop discussions to identify and discuss intervention proposals and proposals selected for subsequent phases of the study, as well as recommendations for subsequent phases to achieve the stated objectives of the study. 
  • 5.3 The Consultant shall present findings from this step to the World Bank Group and its clients before proceeding to the next.

Output 6:

  • 6.1 The report includes the economic appraisal of public transport interventions proposals, and classification into tiers.
  • 6.2 The report shall document analyses conducted in this phase and justification to assumptions made for the analyses. 
  • 6.3 The report shall summarize workshop discussions to report on findings from the analysis and determine the set of intervention scenarios to proceed to subsequent phases of the study, as well as recommendations for subsequent phases to achieve the stated objectives of the study. 
  • 6.4 The Consultant shall proceed to the next phase upon approval from the World Bank Group.

Output 7:

  • 7.1 The development of a Geographic Information System (GIS) database with base maps and data obtained from conceptual planning level of design analysis, including locations identified as potential intermodal transfer and park and ride facilities, identified utility requirements, and right of way limits as well as identification of structure footprints that could involve reconstruction or replacement of roadway due to the transit improvements. Computer-aided design (CAD) drawings of the following with respect to the proposed high capacity public transport configuration: typical cross sections, principles of vehicle and pedestrian crossing and related protections, and proposed channelization of all lanes with dimensions labelled. 
  • 7.2 The report summarizes activities in this phase, including but not limited to: identification of intermodal transfer facilities, guidelines for the design of such facilities, corridor needs and areas where there are right-of-way or design issues, and narrative and visual description of major elements including intermodal transfer facilities, track location, key structures, traffic analysis, and cost estimation with assumptions and estimation worksheet.

Output 8:

  • 8.1 The report shall include the financial assessment of top-tier intervention proposals to consider delivery models including nonconventional financing mechanisms and public-private partnerships
  • 8.2 The report shall summarize assumptions, methodologies, and findings from the financial assessment and details estimated risks of key variables in addition to various recommendations drawn from workshops conducted with the World Bank Group and its clients.

Output 9:

  • The report shall summarize the findings from activities in this phase and makes recommendations to achieve stated objectives.

Output 10:

  • A workshop of minimum 5 days shall provide training on data collection, data analysis, model development, modelling intervention proposals, and impact assessment, with presentations, documentations, and tutorials.

Output 11:

  • 11.1 The final report shall provide a short description of the project, with reference to the Korea Green Growth Trust Fund. 
  • 11.2 The report will encompass a brief outline of the project outcomes, particularly in relation to its originally stated objectives and outcomes.


  • The development of a DMS (data management system) housed by the Ministry of Transport that will provide an online dashboard to city transport users. 
  • The DMS will also help government transport planners and regulators promote smart investments and incite changes in consumer behavior driving efficiency. For example, more visibility of park and ride services, or time schedules for a variety of bus routes will encourage citizens to leave their private cars behind and use public transport. 
  • Already, private transport companies are thinking of creating EV charging stations powered by solar panels. This could be regulated and created into a policy to help avoid any power outages and increase resilience against other extreme weather or natural disasters.
  • By switching to greener technologies such as green vehicles and renewable energies, total consumption of energy and production of GHG emissions will decrease, improving the system’s resilience to climate change impacts
  • Innovative disruptive technologies will improve infrastructure planning, warning systems and response time to climate change impacts
  • The creation of an Urban Transport Master Plan for Greater Cairo will help develop a more fair and open business environment, encouraging competitiveness. This will be due to the data that will be collected and can be shared on digital platforms to inform different public agencies and private sector companies.

Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:

  • Korea Transport Institute (KOTI)
  • UK SPEIG (Co-financing - 585,000 USD)
  • Korea Transport Institute (KOTI)
  • Korean Energy Agency (KEA)
  • Green Technology Center-Korea (GTC-K)