Capacity building and technical Learning workshops on Energy storage to Accelerate energy Transition (CLEAN)
Basic Information
Grant ID: K-136
Region: Global
Country: Global
Approval Year: 2019
Grant Year: Year 7
Amount Approved by Donor: $700000.00
Main Product Line: ASA
Sector: Energy
Grant start/completion: December 9, 2019~December 31, 2021
Grant Status: Closed
TTLs: Fernando Jose De Sisternes Jimenez
Grant Activities
Project Summary:
The objective of this grant is to identify key challenges for the scaling-up of renewable energy and to determine the role of energy storage in facilitating the decarbonization of the power sector. The proposed activity consists of the organization of a series of regional capacity building and technical learning workshops on battery storage, aimed at enhancing the technical capability of client countries on strategy, regulation, and implementation of battery storage project development. The activity would be focused on two main components: i) regional energy storage workshops ii) knowledge exchange activities to focus on lessons learnt from operational experiences. Multiple topics like battery storage technology fundamentals, institutional set-up and policy, as well as financing mechanisms and regulatory frameworks will be covered.
List of Activities:
- East Asia and Pacific, South Asia Regional Energy Storage Workshop
- Organization of battery storage workshop for the following target countries in the East Asia and Pacific (EAP), South Asia Region (SAR): India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, China, Indonesia, Mongolia, Pacific Islands
- Identification of business opportunities through Dedicated Business Meetings suited for the EAP, SAR countries context
- East Europe and Central Asia Regional Energy Storage Workshop
- Organization of battery storage workshop for the following target countries in the East Europe and Central Asia Region: Turkey, Ukraine, Western Balkans, Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, etc.), South Caucasus countries (Georgia, Armenia, etc.)
- Identification of business opportunities through Dedicated Business Meetings suited for the ECA countries context
- Africa Regional Energy Storage Workshop
- Organization of battery storage workshop for the following target countries in the Africa Region: Senegal, Burkina Faso, Mali, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Benin Togo, etc.
- Identification of business opportunities through Dedicated Business Meetings suited for the Africa countries context
- Technical Knowledge Exchange
- Organization of Technical Learning workshops/knowledge exchange in the form of an event or knowledge product, etc. for clients on battery storage focusing on the following areas reflecting the feedback received from the preceding Workshops
- Identification of business opportunities through Dedicated Business Meetings
Outputs 1-4:
- Workshops: 200 for each workshop
- 4 Workshops and Knowledge Exchange activities
- Participants find technologies/ products/practices presented to be replicable or adaptable to their countries
- Improved efficiency:
- Battery storage technologies enable an optimal usage of generation and transmission assets through various applications, hence leading to efficient grid operations with high penetration of renewables.
- Greater resilience:
- Battery storage technologies provide a wide variety of functionalities for grid support and can also contribute to increasing resilience of power systems. This is provided through their unique capability on quick response to emergency situations, which could prevent a potential nation-wide black-out. The technologies also allow a system operator to more quickly restore its system from a complete black out through their black start capability. Also, battery storage would enable the diversification of the energy mix by enabling more renewables into the system thereby making the power systems less vulnerable to extreme climate conditions.
- Increased competitiveness:
- Helping decarbonization of the electricity sector through deploying innovative battery storage technologies will make the client countries more competitive to achieve green growth. Combined with renewables, battery storage technologies will provide an opportunity for the region to fuel its economic growth, create new employment opportunities, reduce air pollution, mitigate GHG emission and enhance overall social welfare.
Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:
- Korean Electric Power Company (KEPCO – national utility)
- Korea Power Exchange (KPX – power system and market operator)
- LG Chemical and the battery storage developers
- World Bank's Energy Sector Management Assistance Program