Strengthening Capacity in Climate Resilience for Water Infrastructure Development in Uganda
Basic Information
Grant ID: K-120
Region: Africa
Country: Uganda
Approval Year: 2017
Grant Year: Year 5
Amount Approved by Donor: $600000.00
Main Product Line: Lending
Sector: Water
Grant start/completion: January 15, 2018~June 30, 2022 (Anticipated)
Grant Status: Closed
TTLs: Fook Chuan Eng (Lead Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist)
Grant Activities
Project Summary:
The objective of this grant is to establish a capacity building program to support the training of a generation of experts in the ability to analyze and manage Uganda’s water and environmental systems. These skills will include the integration of climate resilience and the analytical tools recently created to support smart environmental decisions. This KGGTF program will support the design of applied training modules that will be used to build a cadre of skilled champions in key infrastructure sectors including energy, urban, transport and water. Firstly, funds will be used to undertake an institutional and training needs assessment of the water and climate sectors in Uganda, and the design of an institutional framework for establishing a Water Resources and Climate Resilience Institute to meet the increasing capacity development needs in the sector. Key training modules will then be developed in partnership with relevant global institutions such as the Korean Water Academy (K-Water), IHE-Delft in the Netherlands and MIT in the U.S. to be used in the training of government practitioners across key sectors. Training modules will be developed in line with needs identified from the training needs assessment.
This grant is linked to Lending ($415,000,000).
List of Activities:
- Identify capacity and institutional needs of WRCRI - WRCRI institutional needs identified
- Assessment of potential training providers for water resources planning - Potential training providers identified
- Training methodology - Appropriate training methodologies identified and agreed
- Training of targeted GoU technocrats
- Develop Sustainability Plan for WRCRI
Output 1 ~ 5:
- Reports (Training Report for Activity 4)
- Improved efficiency: The training of government experts in planning and design using modern analytical tools will allow for appropriate incorporation of these principles across the array of civil infrastructure to meet social and development goals while doing it in an economically efficient manner to avoid the mis-allocation of limited investment funds.
- Greater resilience: Whilst the required institutions have been established in the country, these are limited in terms of skilling and the modern technology required to ensure the country is more resilient to the vagaries of the ever increasing climate variability and change impacts. With the right analytical tools and technology as well as the skilled experts, the country will be able to better prepare and mitigate against the extreme climatic events that are happening lately. Which help the country to become more resilient and prevent a number of the impacts that come with these events. The outcomes of the proposed activity will contribute to this through the tooling of the WRCRI, as well as through the generation of Uganda specific knowledge and development of trained professionals to go into government and private sector to undertake the task of making Uganda’s Infrastructure and economy climate resilient. These outcomes fit with three of the Green Growth desired outcomes below: 1) Use of knowledge/resources (behavioral change, increased awareness), 2) Strengthened capacity to implement GG/Institutionalization, and 3) Partnerships
- Increased competitiveness: This activity and the strategic partnership aim to help GoU build the right expertise, analytical tools and strategic partnerships to ensure that the planning and designing of infrastructure, and all government programs in general is done in the most efficient way, including improving coordination and collaborations between different sectors.
Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:
- The Ministry of Water and Environment of Uganda
- Department of Foreign and International Development of the UK (DFID)
- EU
- Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA)
- KfW Development Bank